Latest update: 2022-05-04 11:00 UTC+2
The European Commission (DG DEFIS), in close collaboration with the EU Space Surveillance and Tracking (EU SST), has launched the European Union Industry and Start-ups Forum on STM (EUISF). This Forum aims at fostering the innovation and competitiveness of the SSA’s commercial sector to achieve a higher level of strategic autonomy in Europe.
The inaugural event of the Forum took place on 26 April. EU SSA Industry and Start-ups were invited to attend in-person in Brussels or online via webstream. The presentations of the event are available here.

At the event, EU SST representatives talked about making the best use of the EU’s capabilities and innovation in the field of Space Surveillance and Tracking. The agenda also covered the EU approach to Space Traffic Management, STM as an opportunity for the EU space sector, and EU initiatives fostering commercial and funding opportunities. Industry and start-ups had an open floor to present their views on these topics.
The EUISF is launched in view of the recently adopted Joint Communication on STM. It intends to serve as a transparent mechanism, teaming up the European space industry and start-ups with the EU SST and DG DEFIS’ policy-makers in a regular and constructive dialogue.